Lakwatserang Gala..: Discovering Iloilo

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Discovering Iloilo

March 29, 2013 - Since it was a long holiday vacation, I decided to visit a friend whom I’ve met in Hong Kong and spend my Holy Week with her together with my bf in Iloilo. I’m happy because even we had a short time bonding in HK we have established a really nice friendship. After a long preparation and planning for this trip, finally the time has come. WELCOME ILO-ILO CITY!

We left home at 1:30am; it was two hours ahead of our departing time to make sure that we will not miss our flight because it was holiday we doubt that we can quickly hail a taxi. Upon arrival at NAIA Terminal 4, we fall in line directly to the counter for the check in process; after then we proceed to the boarding gate. I bought a cup of coffee to resist my drowsiness while we’re waiting for our boarding time. Thanks to WiFi I surpassed the lengthy hours of waiting. The gates opened pass 4:00am-- a little late than what is stated in our itinerary, not shocking ZestAir ee. “haha.. I don’t have enough rest so I was asleep in the entire duration of the flight. Excitement arouse on me when the aircrew announced that we just landed at Iloilo International Airport. I paused for a second to thank God for the safe trip.

Day 1

Jewel and her boyfriend Euzel fetch us at the airport with their private car. We had our breakfast in Jollibee Jaro before we head to our first destination- in “Concepcion”. Concepcion Iloilo is a coastal town located in the northeastern part of Iloilo, approximately 2.5 to 3 hours travel time from Jaro Iloilo. Concepcion is popular for their white sand beaches and Island Hopping, it was the best fun activity you can do there, that’s why I’m very excited for that new experience. It was a long, tough, and rough drive going to Concepcion but it doesn’t matter much because we arrived safe at 10:00am. Upon arriving, we stayed at JUNBEE Resorts for the whole day to have some rest. I fell asleep tightly and woke up at 1:00pm to have our late lunch. We ordered “Sinigang at Pritong Isda” no meat that time because in Catholic; they don’t eat meat or any of a kind during Holy Week especially on Good Friday. After having our lunch I was still feeling sleepy so I can’t help myself but to sleep again. I was asleep the whole day, letting the time healed my tired body from the long road travel.

Day 2

We woke up early to prepare for our first adventure- the “Island Hopping”. I was getting excited and nervous because I don’t know how to swim. Haha! Our first stop is the Agho Island, one of the several island gems of Concepcion Iloilo, located 7 nautical miles northeast of Concepcion town proper. There’s no accommodation in that area so if you are planning to stay overnight, you should bring your own tent and better to bring your foods; but don’t worry too much because a sari-sari store is available. You can drop by there if needed. 

As I stepped on the sparkling white sand of Agho Island, I felt relieved from too much stress of work. It’s not that perfect coz some areas are unclean, thought it was, I believed that even the best has its own flaw; the good thing in Agho is that it’s not that crowded like Boracay yet they portrait identical kind of beauty. We strolled and walked around the beach, perceived the loveliness of surroundings and felt the warm greeting of the ocean.

After a short while of observing the scenic atmosphere of the place, we consumed first our lunch before we all decided to swim the welcoming sea.

We hanged around, took a short rest and feel the refreshing air of Agho while we’re waiting until our foods were digested in our full stomachs.

Despite of our language barriers we enjoyed a lot each other’s company so much. We went swimming, we went playing, and we were laughing as if we knew deeply each other.

“It is much happier when you are with your love ones, holding hands together, enjoying each other’s company in discovering the wonders and exploring the vastness of the world”.
We left Agho Island at 1:00pm to move into Sandbar Beach. Unfortunately, we just passed it by because we need to pay Php200.00 for the boarding fee plus the entrance and the cottage; it was costly on our side since we already enjoyed swimming awhile and we can do nothing there but to take pictures. Furthermore, we can’t really enjoy that momentous time due to the high tide instance. So, we have decided to go home, what’s the most important was that we witnessed how Sandbar looks like.

Thank you Agho for letting me experience another beauty of the nature.

We took our shower, changed clothes; prepared to leave the area, drove back to the city then.

Another 2.5 to 3 hours drive before we reach the town of Jaro Iloilo. We had our snack at “Jicels and Theas” Manduriao Iloilo, where my first impression was a big huh?? I don’t have any idea why they chose this place; it was just like an ordinary canteen with a simple table and chairs nothing unusual. Then my curiosity was answered when I ordered wanton and siopao. Sarap!. The price is economical but the taste is magical. They were also serving siomai and pansit. I highly recommend this dumpling restaurant for those who will visit Iloilo. Please don’t miss the chance to drop by there.

After that we looked for a place to rest, there are a lot of hotel-type properties in Jaro to choose from. But we prefer Vista Inn located in Tabuc Suba, Jaro- the most convenient one, as we’re based in the area of Jaro.

We planned to experience Iloilo’s lively nightlife so we went to Smallville Complex- a popular dining and nightlife destinations of most Ilonggos if they wanted to spend a fun night out in the city. Unluckily, most of the bars and restaurants that night were closed so we just hanged-out in CALTEX. Haha.

Day 3 

J&E will attend christening so my bf & I decided to hang around in SM Iloilo City while we were waiting for them. At that time, we had our chance to try the famous Batchoy, a noodle soup made with pork organs, crushed pork cracklings, chicken stock, beef loin and round noodles. You can get your La Paz Batchoy at any restaurant in Iloilo, but the most popular is Ted’s and Deco’s which has branches all over the city. 

Immediately after experiencing the savory of La Paz Batchoy, we started to travel again at past 12:00 noon going to San Joaquin Iloilo.

Iloilo was rich with old Spanish made churches, so a trip to Iloilo will not be completed without paying a visit to its most jewels churches. Their architectural designs are truly impressive. On our way to San Joaquin we passed by the town of Oton, Tigbauan, Guimbal and Miagao; so excitingly, I will not fail to see those churches personally.

1. Tigbauan Church

Tigbauan Chruch was unique in the country because of its Latin American churriquesque architecture. The church of St. John of Sahagun was built in 1575 but devastated by an earthquake in 1948. Tigbauan’s facade was styled in the Mexican plateresque. Its altar was adorned with a magnificent mosaic and the wall was also flanked by the tile mosaics of the 14 Stations of the Cross.

2. Guimbal Church

Guimbal Chruch was one of the oldest churches in the country built in 1774 by Father Campos, made from coral stones and adobe stones called “igang” that’s why it has a yellowish color. It has undergone some reconstruction after it was destroyed twice, during Second World War and during 1948 earthquake but still it’s remain impressive.

3. Miag-ao Church

One of the four baroque churches in the Philippines included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. Constructed in 1797, one of the country’s architectural gems because of its unique and imposing designs.

I’m not being able to take a photo of San Joaquin Church coz it was under construction at that time. It was disappointing but thankful coz I saw it in my own bare eyes.

But since San Joaquin Cemetery was along the main highway in San Joaquin town we never fail to witness it. Influenced by Baroque architecture, the Campo Santo was truly fascinating for its sumptuously designs.

For almost on the road we reached our destination the GARINFARM, with the word FARM it can be boring but I learned that there was something special within. Garinfarm was described in three words; Agriculture, Pilgrimage and Leisure.

Upon entering you need to pay Php150.00 for the entrance fee. We couldn’t wait to see what’s within the farm. We were so much excited towards of what we could see, of what we could feel, and of what we could experience. Coming in, we’re welcomed with a green environment and quite unpleasant smell from animal dung. It was a good place for farmers and agricultural enthusiasts where they can learn new and modern agricultural techniques. 

 Garin farm also takes you to a journey from creation to ascension.

As we climbed the 400-steps stairway, we see different life-size statues that portray significant events of the life of Jesus Christ. We were surprised to see this coz we expected only the giant cross in this Pilgrimage.  Our objective was to reach the top of the rise where the big cross was standing firm. Climbing the staircase was not just easy as we believed at first; as we walked along and the crowd became bulky, that’s time you could feel the tiredness, the thirst, and the muscle pains- we were almost torn out. But it was a fulfillment once you reach the top.

We stayed for about 10 minutes to gain more energy before going down. We felt the refreshing scene of surroundings. At the summit, we could see the whole landscape of the Garin Farm, the mountains and the town of San Joaquin Iloilo.

This is what's good in Garin Farm, after those tiring sacrifices you can give yourself a revitalizing treatment because Garin Farm also offered several recreational activities that you will surely enjoy. Take pleasure at their man made hilltop lagoon for fishing, boat riding (kayaking, pedal boat or rubber boat), horse riding, zip line and swimming at reasonable prices.


Goat Feeding

We left the Garin farm and brought with us the memories and adventures we had.

It was 6:00 in the evening when we reached the city; we went straight to the restaurant named “BREAKTHROUGH” to fill-in our cramping stomachs.
One of the popular restaurants in Iloilo where you can dine-in fresh seafood’s ranging from fish, scallops, shrimp, crab and lot more. It was a great ambience where the setting is located along the sea, very relaxing as you can see the serenity of the ocean.

We ordered inihaw at sinigang na isda, baked talaba and a lot more I can't remember exactly the menu. Could you believe that we eat more than we pay? Absolutely,  in our order I expect that we’ll going to pay ranging Php2,000.00 – Php3,000.00 but I was shocked when our bill was just Php1100 plus only. Can you imagine how cheap it was? So, I am very much suggested this place it will meet the customer satisfaction.

Day 4

This was our last day in Iloilo. But this time we will go to Bacolod (Click here for the Bacolod trip)

After that exciting trip to Bacolod we spent our remaining hours in Plazuela de Iloilo, a Spanish inspired concept that wanted to be a world-class business hub presently. The ground area was occupied by restaurants and other establishments while the second floor was reserved for the call-centers, BPO and commercial purposes. 

We hang out at Starbucks and had some coffee and waffles, spending our remaining time in Iloilo before we headed to the airport.

Another bunches of experience, learning, and memories. I will truly missed Iloilo especially Jewel & Euzel who made this trip more memorable and enjoyable.

Till next time.. Goodbye Iloilo !!!


sherryrose :)

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